The Kaleo Institute Online Payment Center
Donate to The Kaleo Institute
Thank you for your tax deductible donation to The Kaleo Institute. The entirety of your financial gift will be used to fulfill the mission and vision of The Kaleo Institute. The Kaleo Institute exists to develop engaged servant leaders for Christian ministry through academic degree programs that are biblical, historical, and theological in nature.
Donate to Kaleo
Help The Kaleo Institute fulfill the mission of existing to develop engaged servant leaders for Christian ministry through academic degree programs that are biblical, historical, and theological in nature. Gifts are tax-deductible. Enter the amount that you would like to give in the quantity amount. For instance 100 would equal $100 US dollars.
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One Time "Friend of Kaleo" Gift
With this one time gift of $500.00 you will become a Kaleo Friend. All donations will go towards the accreditation process and are tax-deductible.
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One Time "Kaleo Partner" Gift
Make a one time gift of $1000 to become a Kaleo Partner. Your pledge will help with the costs of the accreditation process and is tax-deductible.
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One Time "Kaleo Sponsor" Gift
With this one time gift of $250.00 you will become a Kaleo Sponsor. The entire gift will go towards the accreditation costs and is tax-deductible.
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Stand with Kaleo $30 monthly gift
Stand with the Kaleo Institute by giving a monthly gift of $30 to support the ongoing mission of the college. All gifts are 100% tax deductible. You will be contacted by the college with the option to set up an automatic payment option.
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Stand with Kaleo $30 one time gift
Stand with the Kaleo Institute by giving a one time gift of $30 to the school to support this years annual budget and accreditation expenses. All gifts are tax deductible.
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